Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategy Mistakes To Avoid

6 min read

The need for a solid Digital Marketing strategy is increasing, and businesses are switching from traditional marketing practices to modern marketing solutions. The changing paradigm is so quick that the UK’s spend on just the advertisements in Digital Marketing Services is expected to hit £37 billion by 2023.

Common Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Digital Marketing is the best option for every business except a few non-internet-based industries. But for a few businesses like architecture companies, the challenges are hard to tackle. Check out the top 10 Marketing Mistakes architecture firms must avoid while devising their online marketing strategies. Thus, ensuring effective Digital Marketing Results.

1. Not Setting Clear Campaign Goals

Many business heads believe that Digital Marketing is a DIY thing and tend to rush through the process. As a result, they miss several crucial points and end up feeling so unfortunate with the outcomes.

One of architecture firms’ most common and biggest mistakes is not defining clear goals or objectives before beginning the campaign. It is necessary for them to define their goals like sales, calls, form completions, sign-ups, etc.

After choosing your goals, make sure the analytics tracking is properly set up to measure the performance of such goals. It is because, without measurable objectives, it is hard to calculate the ROI(Return on Investment).

Having defined goals and proper analytics tracking also enable architecture firms to get crucial insights from the campaigns and use them to design more productive Digital Marketing campaigns in the future.

2. Not Using Social Media

social media marketing

If you think Social Media Channels like Instagram, Facebook, etc., are not of much use for architecture businesses, you are probably unaware of the power of Social Media Marketing.

There are millions of active users on Social Media, and architecture firms can use the different marketing tools of social platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). But it is important to executeç campaigns and manage social profiles in a proper way. Therefore, don’t hesitate to hire experts for social media marketing and management services. An effective digital marketing strategy for an architecture business is incomplete without a solid social media presence to back you up.

3. Ignoring Email Marketing

Keeping off Email Marketing from the marketing strategy is another mistake that most architects commit. It is among the most cost-effective marketing techniques that allow you to reach thousands of people in an instant.

The technique provides high Returns on Investment and is a brilliant way to stay engaged with your previous or new clients, maintain a good brand presence, strengthen your relationship with the customers, and you can also generate new leads.

4. Forgetting to Target Mobile Users

About half of the users across the globe use mobile phones to access the internet. Having a website that doesn’t offer a good user experience on mobile lowers your chances of engaging with customers.

Architecture firms should hire a website design and development expert to ensure they have a website that is designed and optimized to give the best experience to users on all types of devices(mobiles, desktops, etc.)

5. Missing a Blog

Digital Marketing is not about using tons of promotional content to generate thousands of leads and millions in revenue. But this is how Digital Marketing is usually perceived by architecture businesses.

To generate the best results, independent architects and architecture firms must approach digital marketing as a way to market their company as a leading name in the industry. Publishing regular blogs with high-quality, valuable, and informative content build a trustworthy image of your brand among the audience.

6. Marketing without Keyword Research

It is important for your architecture business to be easily findable on the internet. And it is not possible without performing in-depth Keyword research for Search Engine Optimisation.

SEO begins with proper keywords to find the most relevant search terms that have high search volume and are easy to rank for. Then it further includes On Page and Off Page SEO to get the website rank on all such keywords.

7. Missing your Target Audience

digital marketing mistakes

You may be creating the right content with high-definition visuals to promote your architecture business. But are you sure you are targeting the right audience?

Most of the time, companies miss targeting the potential audience and fail to bring them under their radar for promotional activities. They keep targeting the same audience willing to buy their service and forget to target those who can become paying clients in the future. Since the architecture industry is highly competitive, architecture companies in the UK must put some extra effort into filtering and reaching out to a wider range of potential audiences.

Architects must use tracking pixels and cookies to find and add people who visited your website and create an email database. Also, fine-tune your targeting approach by considering factors like the purchase intent of customers, behaviour, etc. You should begin formulating an extensive digital marketing strategy after a thorough critical analysis of these factors.

8. Not Observing the Competitors

The architecture industry is highly competitive, and missing to observe the competitors can be a mistake that causes potential losses to your marketing results.

Keep a close eye on your industry competitors and try to identify how you can distinguish your business from the rest rather than staying undiscovered by doing the same things as your rivals.

9. Lacking a strategy

The success of Digital Marketing Campaigns is defined by how well businesses can plan or strategise their approach to marketing their products or services.

Digital Marketing for architects should begin with making a plan, defining goals, and using research-based data to draft a strategy to reach the target audience. It is then important to constantly monitor the progress and optimize the marketing campaigns as required.

10. Forgetting to Track the Leads

wrong digital marketing strategy

Digital Marketing involves multiple channels, and therefore traffic is generated through a variety of sources.

Keep track of the lead-generating sources, find out which sources are generating more leads and which are not performing, and formulate your digital marketing strategy accordingly.

Results Generating Digital Marketing Services

There are no two thoughts about the effectiveness and productivity of various Digital Marketing Techniques. In a world that is closely connected to the internet, there is a large audience that is present online, and it is important for businesses to reach them in the right way.

To help architecture firms or independent architects find more clients and grow as successful businesses in the industry, Quechua Digital Advisory provides the best Digital Marketing Services for architects in the UK. We are among the top-ranking Digital Marketing Agencies in London that has a proven record of running successful marketing campaigns for commercial and residential architects.

From well-researched keywords-based SEO to targeting the right audience through Social Media Marketing, Website Design and Development, Conversion Rate Optimisation, etc., we have specialists for every type of Digital Marketing Service.

Not hiring an expert Digital Marketer can be another mistake you may be committing, causing a huge loss to your architecture business. Why not hire a professional Digital Marketing Expert and eliminate the problem? Contact us now to learn more about our Digital Marketing Services.

Empowering Your Digital Success: Quechua Digital Advisory
Your Partner in Digital Advertising and Sales Excellence

Quechua Digital Advisory is a Digital Marketing Agency London who accelerates business growth in a digital world. We provide digital marketing services across 5 key areas including, Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads Linked In & Twitter Ads), Website Design, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plus Conversion Rate Optimisation.

“It is not the strongest of the, species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin

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Jo has worked in advertising for the majority of her career with brands such as Emap & Natmags  before taking a career break to bring up her family. Since joining the business the Jo continues to deliver first class online advertising and Client Management across all PPC channels and Social Media.

Jo key focus is to drive client satisfaction and results for all clients, as well as, providing Sales Consultancy utilising key tools and methodologies.





Dale has worked in PPC Marketing since 2013. Accredited by Google Partners he has delivered significant growth for businesses across multiple sectors, specialising in professional services including Finance, Legal, Architecture and Trade sectors for the last 12 years.

Dale’s focus is performance marketing across Google Ads and its relevant channels with business results the key metrics he is measured on.

Harsh Choubey


Harsh has graduated with MBNA in Computer Science from the University of Bangalore. He has worked in IT and the IT Services for the last 15 years and responsible for all things technical.

Whether programming, completing software development, coding or e-commerce, Harsh and his team are able to design, build, deliver or resolve your technical needs.





Sam has worked in digital marketing for the last 10 years, honing his skills in web development & SEO before adding social & conversion rate optimisation to his repertoire. Sam is obsessed with numbers and consistently delivers outstanding rates of return.

Sam’s expertise is primarily based in online optimisation of landing pages and other digital assets to enable quality leads that our clients can close. 


Kwarme Lestrade

Content Design/Production and Publishing

Kwame Lestrade is a film-maker, photographer and creative director for the last decade. He brings over 12 years experience producing and directing engaging videos, brand promos with clients including BBC, Tommy Hilfiger, Hampton Court Palace, Calvin Klein, United Arab Emirates as well as countless SME’s.

​In his ’spare’ time, he’s also an award-winning film director, camping enthusiast, husband and father of three. “Too much of a good thing can be truly wonderful”


Ian Sutcliffe

Strategic Growth Planning, Performance Coach, Non Exec Directorships

With almost 30 years’ business and coaching experience in the professional services sector, Ian has held senior leadership roles with responsibility for sales, operations and client relationships. Ian is co-founder of his own advisory business and a Prince’s Trust Mentor.

Specialising in strategic planning, business growth strategy, performance transformation, leadership coaching and mentoring, Ian can help you and your business excel in the markets in which you operate.


Diana Crabtree

Content Design/Production and Publishing

Diana’s 30-year career has included senior management positions within global organisations, such as Aramark, Lyreco, Nestle and Hutchsison Whampoa, as well as roles in UK organisations such as Goss Interactive. Diana’s areas of specialism include business management, growth, web development & search engine optimisation (SEO).

Diana’s role is to bring to life Brands through Website Design and Development plus delivering Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), that deliver tangible results.

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Rob McBride

Digital Audit, Website Design, Branding & Packaging

Rob Specialises in design and branding through to print, distribution and all aspects of digital media; his role truly captures the essence of your marketing aspirations and delivers them in a consistent and professional manner.

Rob’s aim is to target, surprise, motivate and inspire clients and more importantly their clients. With any one or a combination of their services, his guarantee is that every campaign undertaken, will be delivered with expertise and a friendly approachable manner.

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