The Definitive Guide to Lead Generation

21 min read

What is a Lead?

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting prospects into potential customers who have expressed interest in your products or services. This process is crucial for any business looking to grow and expand its customer base. By generating leads, you can target your marketing efforts more effectively, drive website traffic, and ultimately increase conversions.

Key Takeaway

In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about lead generation and how to implement effective strategies to drive business growth.

For those specifically interested in how lead generation can impact niche industries, such as Hospitality or Roofing, there are specialised tactics available that cater to unique business needs.

Different Types of Leads and Their Characteristics

To effectively manage and prioritise leads, it’s essential to understand the various lead types:

1. Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

These leads have interacted with your marketing efforts but aren’t ready to make a purchase yet. They might have downloaded an eBook, registered for a webinar, or visited multiple pages on your website.

2. Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

These leads are considered ready for direct sales follow-up. They have shown stronger intent through actions like requesting a demo or asking specific questions about your product/service.

3. Product Qualified Lead (PQL)

Common in SaaS businesses, PQLs are those who have used your product through a free trial or freemium model and have shown signs of becoming a paying customer.

4. Service Qualified Lead

These are individuals who have indicated they are interested in turning from a free service to a paid one. This often involves customers who need additional features or services beyond what is offered for free.

The Importance of Properly Qualifying Leads

Properly qualifying someone as a lead before pursuing them can save significant time and resources. Here’s why:

  • Resource Allocation: Qualifying leads helps allocate sales and marketing resources more efficiently. Teams can focus their efforts on individuals more likely to convert, rather than chasing every contact.
  • Customised Communication: By understanding where leads fall within the qualification spectrum (MQL, SQL, PQL), you can tailor communication strategies that resonate better with their current stage in the buyer’s journey.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Qualified leads are more likely to convert into paying customers because they have already demonstrated some level of interest and engagement with your brand.
  • Improved ROI: When you focus on high-quality leads, you increase the return on investment (ROI) for both marketing campaigns and sales efforts.


For instance, if you’re targeting niche markets like residential architects or luxury architects in London, understanding the specific needs and behaviours of these segments will help tailor your approach effectively. These resources provide expert guidance on how to tap into these specialised markets.

Understanding these distinctions ensures that your team engages with prospects at the right time, using the right message, thereby optimising your lead generation efforts and driving sustainable business growth.

The Lead Generation Process

Lead generation plays an essential role in driving website traffic, increasing conversions, and fueling business growth. Essentially, lead generation is about attracting and converting strangers into prospects who show interest in your products or services. Effective lead-generation strategies are crucial for businesses to succeed in today’s competitive landscape.

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into the inbound marketing methodology, let’s walk through the steps of the lead generation process.

  1. Discovery: A visitor finds your business through one of your marketing channels, such as your website, blog, or social media.
  2. Call-to-Action (CTA): The visitor clicks on a CTA—an image, button, or message encouraging them to take a specific action.
  3. Landing Page: The CTA directs the visitor to a landing page, which is designed to capture lead information in exchange for an offer.
  4. Form Submission: On the landing page, the visitor fills out a form to receive the offer. Voila! You have a new lead, provided you follow lead-capture best practices.

: An offer is a content or resource promoted on the landing page, such as an ebook, a course, or a template. The offer must be valuable enough for the visitor to exchange their personal information for access.

See how everything connects?

To sum it up: A visitor clicks a CTA that directs them to a landing page, where they fill out a form to receive an offer, and thus become a lead.

Using Inbound Marketing for Successful Lead Generation

Inbound marketing serves as the foundation for successful lead generation efforts. Unlike outbound marketing, which involves reaching out to potential customers through cold calls or advertisements, inbound marketing focuses on attracting prospects by providing valuable content that addresses their needs and interests.

Key Principles of Inbound Marketing:

  • Attract: Create informative and engaging content to draw visitors to your website. This includes blog posts, social media updates, SEO strategies, and more.
  • Convert: Use compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) and landing pages to capture visitor information and convert them into leads.
  • Close: Nurture leads with personalised email campaigns and offers to move them further down the sales funnel until they are ready to make a purchase.
  • Delight: Maintain ongoing communication with customers post-purchase through follow-up emails, reviews, and social media engagement to encourage repeat business and referrals.

Effective Lead Generation Strategies

Implementing effective lead generation strategies is pivotal for success:

  • Content Marketing: Develop high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. This can include blog posts, white papers, eBooks, webinars, and videos.
  • SEO Optimisation: Optimise your content for search engines to ensure it ranks highly on search results pages. Use relevant keywords like “inbound marketing,” “leads to customers,” and “lead generation strategies” strategically within your content.
  • Social Media Engagement: Leverage platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter to share your content and engage with potential leads.
  • Email Marketing: Build targeted email lists and nurture leads through automated email campaigns that provide valuable information and offers tailored to their interests.

For businesses looking to expand their reach further through paid advertising methods:

By incorporating these strategies into your overall marketing plan, you create a robust system for generating quality leads that are more likely to convert into loyal customers.

How to Generate Leads

Why Not Buy Leads?

Buying leads may seem like a quick fix to boost your sales pipeline. However, it often results in low-quality contacts that don’t convert into customers. Organic lead generation methods, though time-consuming, yield higher-quality leads. These leads are genuinely interested in your offerings and are more likely to convert.

The Role of Compelling Content

Creating compelling content is essential for attracting and engaging potential leads. Content marketing isn’t just about churning out articles or videos; it’s about providing value that resonates with your target audience. Here’s how you can leverage content effectively:

  • Address Pain Points: Understand the challenges your audience faces and create content that offers solutions.
  • Educational Material: Whitepapers, e-books, and how-to guides help establish your authority in the industry.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes, surveys, and interactive infographics can engage users more deeply than static content.

Best Practices for Creating Valuable Content

To maximize the impact of your content marketing efforts, follow these best practices:

  • Know Your Audience: Conduct thorough research to understand your target demographic.
  • SEO Optimisation: Ensure your content is optimised for search engines to increase visibility.
  • Consistency: Regularly publish content to keep your audience engaged.
  • Multichannel Approach: Distribute your content across various platforms like social media, email newsletters, and blogs.
  • Measure and Adapt: Use analytics tools to track performance and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Utilising Blogging for Thought Leadership and Lead Generation

Blogging is a powerful tool for establishing thought leadership and generating leads. A well-maintained blog can help you build a loyal audience and drive organic traffic to your website.

  • Thought Leadership: Share insights, industry trends, and expert opinions to position yourself as an authority in your field.
  • SEO Benefits: Regularly updated blogs improve search engine rankings, making it easier for potential leads to find you.
  • Engagement: Encourage comments and discussions on your blog posts to foster community engagement.


For example, if you’re in the hospitality industry, sharing detailed case studies on successful digital advertising campaigns can attract potential clients looking for similar solutions. This case study showcases how targeted digital strategies can drive significant results.

In sectors like law firms, specific strategies tailored for high-value niches can be very effective. Learn from specialised services like this one, which focus on PPC advertising tailored for legal professionals.

A robust digital marketing strategy is crucial for consistent lead flow across different industries. For comprehensive insights into crafting an effective strategy, refer to this guide on Digital Marketing Strategy.
LinkedIn remains a potent platform for B2B lead generation. Specific tactics can help architecture firms attract clients through this professional network. Explore effective LinkedIn marketing techniques at How to Get Clients for Architecture Firms Through LinkedIn.

By focusing on creating high-quality, valuable content tailored to your audience’s needs, you set the stage for successful lead generation without resort

How to Qualify a Lead

Qualifying a lead is a critical step in the lead generation process. This ensures that your marketing and sales efforts are directed towards individuals who are most likely to convert into customers. Here’s how you can effectively qualify leads:

Building Effective Email Campaigns

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for nurturing and converting leads. To build effective email campaigns, consider these strategies:

  • Segment Your Audience: Divide your email list based on criteria such as demographics, buying behavior, and engagement levels. This allows for more personalised and relevant communication.
  • Craft Compelling Subject Lines: The subject line is the first thing your audience sees. It should be engaging, concise, and offer value to encourage opens.
  • Personalise Content: Use the recipient’s name and tailor the content based on their preferences and past interactions with your brand.
  • Include Clear CTAs (Call-to-Actions): Each email should have a clear purpose, whether it’s to download an ebook, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase.
  • Automate Follow-Ups: Utilise marketing automation tools to send timely follow-up emails based on user actions or inactivity.

Maintaining Regular Communication Through Email Marketing

Regular communication keeps your brand top-of-mind and helps build trust over time. To maintain effective communication:

  • Weekly Newsletters: Send weekly newsletters that provide valuable insights, updates, and special offers.
  • Triggered Emails: Set up triggered emails based on specific actions taken by the lead, such as abandoning a cart or downloading a resource.
  • Educational Series: Develop an educational email series that provides step-by-step guidance or tips related to your industry.

Key Practices in Lead Qualification

  • Lead Scoring: Assign scores to leads based on their interactions with your content, website visits, email opens, and other engagement metrics. Higher scores indicate a higher likelihood of conversion.
  • Behavioral Tracking: Monitor behaviors such as page views, downloads, and social media interactions to gauge interest levels.
  • Demographic Information: Consider factors like job title, industry, company size, and geographic location to determine suitability for your products or services.
  • Engagement History: Review the lead’s history of engagement with previous emails and other content to assess their level of interest.
  • Sales Readiness: Identify where the lead is in the buying cycle—whether they are just researching or ready to make a purchase.

By integrating these practices into your lead qualification process, you can ensure that your efforts are focused on high-potential prospects. Effective email campaigns and regular communication through email marketing play pivotal roles in nurturing these leads until they are ready for sales engagement.

For personalised assistance with your digital advertising strategy, feel free to reach out to us through our contact us page. Additionally, if you’re looking to expand your social reach, our social media management services provide expert support in this area.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is an essential part of any successful lead generation plan. It helps you work smarter by identifying the most promising leads and prioritising your resources accordingly. This process involves assigning values to leads based on different characteristics and actions, allowing you to focus on those with the highest potential for conversion.

Using Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms offer excellent opportunities for reaching a wider audience and attracting high-quality leads. By making the most of these channels, you can connect with potential customers and guide them towards becoming paying clients. Here are some ways to optimise your social media strategy for maximum lead generation:

1. Content Creation

Create interesting content that appeals to your target audience. Share helpful articles, eye-catching images, and engaging videos that provide value and encourage interaction.

2. Social Media Optimisation (SMO)

Optimise your profiles and posts to increase visibility. Use relevant keywords, hashtags, and links that make it easier for people to find your content.

3. Targeted Ads

Make use of paid advertising options on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to reach specific demographics and interests.

4. Engagement

Be actively involved in conversations, reply to comments, and interact with followers to build relationships and establish trust.

Improving Your Social Media Strategy

Enhancing your social media strategy goes beyond just posting content regularly. It requires a strategic approach that ensures you’re reaching the right individuals at the right moment. Here are some best practices:

  • Understanding Your Audience: Identify who your target audience is and what matters most to them. Utilise analytics tools to gather insights into their preferences and behaviors.
  • Planning Your Content: Create a well-organised calendar to schedule your content in advance. This helps maintain consistency and enables timely posts that align with current trends or events.
  • Testing Different Approaches: Experiment with various types of content, posting times, and ad formats to determine what resonates best with your audience.
  • Tracking Performance: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates to gauge the success of your campaigns.

By incorporating these strategies into your social media marketing efforts, you can significantly increase website traffic and attract leads that are more likely to convert into customers.

For more insights into digital advertising strategies that can complement your social media efforts, visit our blog.

Implementing these tactics will not only improve your lead generation methods but also establish you as an authority in your industry. To learn more about effective lead generation strategies and how they tie into mastering the sales process, check out our article on Mastering the Sales Process with 4 Disciplines of Execution.

Lead Generation Strategies

Lead generation strategies are essential for driving business growth and securing a steady stream of prospects. Effective strategies can significantly enhance your ability to capture and convert leads into loyal customers.

Harnessing the Power of Word-of-Mouth

Word-of-mouth remains one of the most powerful lead generation methods. Personal recommendations from satisfied customers can drive valuable referrals and inbound leads. Here are some ways to leverage word-of-mouth:

  • Encourage Customer Reviews: Prompt your happy customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Trustpilot.
  • Create Shareable Content: Develop content that is informative, entertaining, or useful, encouraging your audience to share it within their networks.
  • Utilise Social Proof: Display testimonials, case studies, and user-generated content on your website and social media channels.

Building Successful Referral Partnerships

Referral partnerships can be highly effective in generating quality leads. By collaborating with other businesses, you can tap into each other’s customer bases and expand your reach. Consider these strategies:

  • Identify Potential Partners: Look for businesses that complement your offerings but do not directly compete with you. For example, a digital marketing agency might partner with a web development company.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Establish clear guidelines on how referrals will be tracked, managed, and rewarded.
  • Offer Incentives: Provide incentives such as discounts or commissions to motivate partners to refer clients to you.

Content Marketing and Blogging

Content marketing is a cornerstone of lead generation strategies. Creating valuable content can attract and engage potential leads, positioning you as a thought leader in your industry.

Key Strategies for Effective Content Marketing

  • Understand Your Audience: Identify the pain points, interests, and preferences of your target audience. Tailor your content accordingly.
  • Create High-Quality Content: Focus on producing content that offers real value. This could be in the form of blog posts, eBooks, whitepapers, infographics, or videos.
  • Optimise for SEO: Ensure your content is optimised for search engines by using relevant keywords like “lead generation methods” and “content creation.”

Utilising Blogging for Thought Leadership

Blogging is a powerful tool for thought leadership and lead generation. It allows you to share insights, trends, and expertise related to your industry. Effective blogging practices include:

  • Consistency: Publish blog posts regularly to keep your audience engaged.
  • Engaging Headlines: Craft compelling headlines that pique curiosity and encourage clicks.
  • Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Include CTAs within your blog posts to guide readers towards the next step in their buyer’s journey.

By implementing these lead generation strategies—harnessing word-of-mouth referrals, building referral partnerships, and leveraging content marketing—you can effectively attract and convert high-quality leads. Additionally, utilising social media advertising can further amplify your reach by targeting specific demographics and increasing brand visibility. Moreover, incorporating a structured sales qualification framework such as MEDDICC into your lead management process can significantly improve conversion rates by ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each prospect’s needs and pain points.

Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads – etc.

Digital advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads offer powerful tools for lead generation when used effectively. Each platform has its unique strengths and features that cater to different aspects of your marketing strategy.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform that allows you to display ads on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). This platform is particularly effective for capturing high-intent leads who are actively searching for solutions related to your products or services.

Key Features of Google Ads:

  • Keyword Targeting: Create ad campaigns targeting specific keywords that potential leads are likely to search for.
  • Ad Extensions: Utilise ad extensions like call buttons, location information, and site links to provide additional value and drive clicks.
  • Remarketing: Re-engage visitors who have previously interacted with your website but didn’t convert.

For an in-depth look at how Google Ads can benefit your business, check out this article on whether Google Ads work.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads offer extensive targeting options based on user demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. This makes it an excellent platform for reaching a broad audience and nurturing them through personalised content.

Key Features of Facebook Ads:

  • Custom Audiences: Create custom audiences based on your existing customer lists or website visitors to retarget them with relevant ads.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Expand your reach by targeting lookalike audiences similar to your best customers.
  • Engaging Formats: Use various ad formats like carousel ads, video ads, and lead forms to capture attention and generate leads directly within the platform.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is particularly beneficial for B2B marketers aiming to generate leads from professional audiences. It offers precise targeting options based on job titles, industries, company sizes, and more.

Key Features of LinkedIn Ads:

  • Sponsored Content: Promote valuable content that resonates with your target audience to drive engagement and generate leads.
  • InMail Campaigns: Send direct messages to prospects’ LinkedIn inboxes with personalised offers or invitations.
  • Lead Gen Forms: Simplify the process of capturing lead information by using pre-filled forms within LinkedIn ads.

Tips for Lead Generation

In any lead generation campaign, there can be many moving parts. It can be challenging to determine which parts are working and which need fine-tuning. Here are a few tips to help you build effective lead generation campaigns:

Follow Your Data

    • Start by analysing the data you already have. Identify posts that consistently rank well, bring in traffic, and have a clear connection to your product.
    • Determine where to place CTAs based on this data.
    • AJ Beltis, a senior marketing manager at HubSpot, suggests identifying the “missing middle piece” between what someone is reading about and what you can offer them, such as an actionable template, a more in-depth guide, or a demo.
    • Keep your CTA relevant to the topic of the post. A straightforward and logical CTA will attract leads.

Use the Right Lead Generation Tools

    • Successful marketing teams use formal systems to organise and store their leads.
    • Lead generation tools can help you gather and manage information about your website visitors, such as their names, email addresses, pages visited, and actions taken.
    • Tools like CTA templates, lead generation software, visitor tracking, and form-scraping tools can enhance your lead generation efforts.

Create Offers for Different Stages of the Buying Cycle

    • Not all visitors are ready to talk to your sales team or see a demo. Offer content suitable for different stages of the buyer’s journey, such as ebooks for beginners or free trials for those near the end.
    • Create and offer CTAs for each phase throughout your site.
    • Smart CTAs can help personalise the experience by displaying relevant offers based on where a visitor is in the buyer’s journey.

Keep Your Messaging Consistent and Deliver on Your Promise

    • Ensure a seamless transition from ad copy and design to the deliverable.
    • Maintain a consistent message throughout the process and provide value to everyone engaging with your lead capture.
    • Align all aspects of your lead gen campaign with your website, blog, and product.

Link Your CTA to a Dedicated Landing Page

    • Use dedicated landing pages for your offers instead of driving people to your homepage.
    • A targeted landing page with an opt-in form will convert visitors into leads more effectively.

Get Your Sales Team Involved

    • Collaborate with your sales team to define and refine the process of moving a lead from Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) to opportunity.
    • Ensure your sales and marketing teams are aligned on lead definitions and processes.

Use Social Media Strategically

    • Add links to high-performing landing pages in your social media posts.
    • Run contests on social media to engage followers and generate leads.
    • Regularly link social media posts to blog posts that generate the most leads.

Leverage Your Partnerships

    • Co-marketing with partner companies can be powerful. Create and promote gated content like ebooks, reports, and templates with partners who share a similar target audience and brand values.
    • Co-marketing offers can generate significantly more leads than content created by one company alone.

Remain Flexible and Iterate Constantly

    • Your lead generation strategy should be dynamic and adapt to changing trends, behaviors, and opinions.
    • Use A/B testing to determine the most effective CTAs, landing pages, and copy. Experiment with different layouts, designs, UX, content, and advertising channels to find what works best.

By following these tips, you can create a robust lead generation engine that attracts, captures, and converts leads effectively.

Lead Qualification Methods

After generating leads, it’s crucial to qualify them effectively to prioritise your sales efforts. Here are some methods:

  • Behavioural Scoring: Assess leads based on their interactions with your content (e.g., website visits, email opens).
  • Demographic Scoring: Evaluate leads based on demographic criteria such as job title, company

Lead Generations Stats

Here are 10 digital lead generation statistics that you will find of interest…

  • 61% of marketers rank lead generation as their number one challenge. Source: HubSpot, “Not Another State of Marketing Report 2021”
  • 53% of marketers say half or more of their budget is allocated to lead generation. Source: BrightTALK, “B2B Lead Generation: Trends & Challenges” (2020))
  • 68% of B2B marketers use in-person events for lead generation initiatives. Source: Content Marketing Institute, “B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends” (2020)
  • Marketers using automation software generate 2x the number of leads than those using blast email software. Source: Autopilot, “Marketing Automation Performance Report” (2020)
  • 79% of top-performing companies have been using marketing automation for three or more years. Source: Act-On, “The State of B2B Marketing Automation” (2021)
  • Conversion rates increase by 8% when you include a personalised call to action (CTA). Source: HubSpot, “Not Another State of Marketing Report 2021”
  • 49% of marketers report that increasing customer acquisition is their primary objective. Source: HubSpot, “State of Inbound 2021”
  • B2B companies that blogged 11+ times per month got 3x more traffic than those blogging 0-1 times per month. Source: HubSpot, “The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2021”
  • Lead nurturing emails get 4-10 times the response rate compared to standalone email blasts. Source: Demand Gen Report, “2021 Lead Nurturing & Acceleration Survey”
  • 63% of marketers say generating traffic and leads is their top challenge. Source: HubSpot, “The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2022”

Best Practices for Personalised Nurturing Campaigns

In order to build strong relationships with leads, it’s important to have personalised nurturing campaigns in place. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Segmentation: Divide your audience into different groups based on their behavior, interests, or where they are in the customer journey.
  • Tailored Content: Create content that speaks directly to the needs and pain points of each group.
  • Using Multiple Channels: Reach out to leads through various channels such as email marketing, social media, and direct mail, depending on where they are most active.
  • Automation: Make use of marketing automation tools to send out messages that are timely and relevant without putting too much pressure on your team.

For instance, platforms like HubSpot or Marketo can be helpful in automating personalised email sequences based on how users behave.

Lead Qualification Methods

Lead qualification is the process of determining whether a prospect fits your ideal customer profile and is likely to become a valuable customer. Here are several methods for lead qualification:

BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline)

  • Budget: Does the prospect have the financial resources to buy your product or service?
  • Authority: Is the prospect the decision-maker, or do they need approval from others?
  • Need: Does the prospect have a clear need that your product or service can address?
  • Timeline: What is the prospect’s timeframe for making a decision?

CHAMP (Challenges, Authority, Money, Prioritisation)

  • Challenges: What specific problems or challenges is the prospect facing that your solution can solve?
  • Authority: Who is responsible for making the purchase decision?
  • Money: Does the prospect have the budget for your solution?
  • Prioritisation: How important is solving this problem to the prospect right now?

MEDDIC (Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, Champion)

  • Metrics: Quantify the benefits your solution provides.
  • Economic Buyer: Identify the person with the budgetary authority.
  • Decision Criteria: Understand the criteria the prospect uses to make decisions.
  • Decision Process: Learn about their decision-making process.
  • Identify Pain: Recognise the pain points your solution addresses.
  • Champion: Identify an internal advocate for your solution.

Implementing Lead Qualification

  1. Define Criteria: Clearly define your qualification criteria based on one or more of the methods above.
  2. Use Technology: Utilise CRM and marketing automation tools to track and analyse lead data.
  3. Train Your Team: Ensure your sales and marketing teams are trained on your lead qualification process.
  4. Regular Review: Continuously review and refine your qualification criteria based on feedback and results.

By applying these lead qualification methods, you can ensure that your sales team focuses on the most promising leads, improving your chances of converting them into valuable customers.


Understanding the importance of lead generation is crucial for driving sustainable business growth. Effective lead generation strategies not only increase website traffic and boost conversions but also contribute to long-term success by consistently attracting and converting qualified prospects.

Take action today:

  • Implement the strategies discussed in this guide to see tangible improvements in your lead generation efforts.
  • Invest time in creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience.
  • Utilise multiple channels such as blogging, social media, and email marketing to nurture and convert leads efficiently.

Lead generation is an ongoing process that requires commitment and careful planning. By using these proven techniques, you’ll be well-prepared to drive significant business growth and achieve your marketing goals.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s

When clients are trying to understand digital lead generation, they often have several key questions in mind. Here are the top five questions clients typically want answered, along with explanations:

1. What is digital lead generation, and how does it work?

Digital lead generation is the process of attracting and converting prospects into leads through online marketing strategies. This involves using various channels such as search engines, social media, email marketing, and content marketing to capture the interest of potential customers and gather their contact information for further engagement.

2. What are the best channels for generating leads online?

The best channels for digital lead generation depend on the client’s industry and target audience. Common effective channels include:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Attracts leads through organic search.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Generates leads quickly through targeted ads.
  • Social Media Marketing: Engages prospects through platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • Content Marketing: Uses blogs, ebooks, and videos to attract and nurture leads.
  • Email Marketing: Converts subscribers into leads through targeted email campaigns.

3. How do you measure the success of lead generation campaigns?

Success in lead generation is measured through various metrics, including:

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who become leads.
  • Cost Per Lead (CPL): The amount spent to acquire each lead.
  • Lead Quality: The potential of leads to convert into paying customers.
  • Lead Source: Identifying which channels are generating the most leads.
  • Engagement Metrics: Such as email open rates, click-through rates, and social media interactions.

4. What types of content are most effective for lead generation?

Effective lead generation content includes:

  • Ebooks and Whitepapers: Provide in-depth information and are gated to capture lead information.
  • Webinars and Online Events: Engage and educate prospects while capturing their contact details.
  • Blogs and Articles: Attract organic traffic and include CTAs to convert visitors into leads.
  • Videos and Demos: Showcase products and services while encouraging viewers to sign up for more information.
  • Case Studies and Testimonials: Build trust and credibility, encouraging prospects to engage further.

5. How do you ensure the quality of the leads generated?

Ensuring lead quality involves:

  • Targeting the Right Audience: Using detailed audience segmentation and targeting in your campaigns.
  • Using Qualifying Criteria: Implementing lead scoring systems that prioritise leads based on their likelihood to convert.
  • Personalised and Relevant Content: Creating content that speaks directly to the needs and pain points of your target audience.
  • Effective CTAs and Landing Pages: Designing clear and compelling CTAs and optimised landing pages to attract serious prospects.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Regularly analysing lead quality metrics and adjusting strategies accordingly.

6. How much does good lead generation cost?

The cost of lead generation can vary widely depending on factors such as industry, target audience, chosen channels, and the complexity of the campaign. Typical costs to consider include:

  • Ad Spend: Budget for PPC campaigns, social media ads, and other paid channels.
  • Content Creation: Costs for producing high-quality content such as blogs, ebooks, videos, and webinars.
  • Tools and Software: Expenses for lead generation tools, CRM systems, and marketing automation platforms.
  • Staffing: Salaries for in-house marketing teams or fees for external agencies and consultants.
  • Average Cost Per Lead (CPL): This can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars, depending on the industry and competition.

By addressing these key questions, clients can gain a clearer understanding of digital lead generation and how it can be effectively implemented to grow their business.

Empowering Your Digital Success: Quechua Digital Advisory
Your Partner in Digital Advertising and Sales Excellence

Quechua Digital Advisory is a Digital Marketing Agency London who accelerates business growth in a digital world. We provide digital marketing services across 5 key areas including, Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads Linked In & Twitter Ads), Website Design, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plus Conversion Rate Optimisation.

“It is not the strongest of the, species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin

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020 7856 0303

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Jo has worked in advertising for the majority of her career with brands such as Emap & Natmags  before taking a career break to bring up her family. Since joining the business the Jo continues to deliver first class online advertising and Client Management across all PPC channels and Social Media.

Jo key focus is to drive client satisfaction and results for all clients, as well as, providing Sales Consultancy utilising key tools and methodologies.





Dale has worked in PPC Marketing since 2013. Accredited by Google Partners he has delivered significant growth for businesses across multiple sectors, specialising in professional services including Finance, Legal, Architecture and Trade sectors for the last 12 years.

Dale’s focus is performance marketing across Google Ads and its relevant channels with business results the key metrics he is measured on.

Harsh Choubey


Harsh has graduated with MBNA in Computer Science from the University of Bangalore. He has worked in IT and the IT Services for the last 15 years and responsible for all things technical.

Whether programming, completing software development, coding or e-commerce, Harsh and his team are able to design, build, deliver or resolve your technical needs.





Sam has worked in digital marketing for the last 10 years, honing his skills in web development & SEO before adding social & conversion rate optimisation to his repertoire. Sam is obsessed with numbers and consistently delivers outstanding rates of return.

Sam’s expertise is primarily based in online optimisation of landing pages and other digital assets to enable quality leads that our clients can close. 


Kwarme Lestrade

Content Design/Production and Publishing

Kwame Lestrade is a film-maker, photographer and creative director for the last decade. He brings over 12 years experience producing and directing engaging videos, brand promos with clients including BBC, Tommy Hilfiger, Hampton Court Palace, Calvin Klein, United Arab Emirates as well as countless SME’s.

​In his ’spare’ time, he’s also an award-winning film director, camping enthusiast, husband and father of three. “Too much of a good thing can be truly wonderful”


Ian Sutcliffe

Strategic Growth Planning, Performance Coach, Non Exec Directorships

With almost 30 years’ business and coaching experience in the professional services sector, Ian has held senior leadership roles with responsibility for sales, operations and client relationships. Ian is co-founder of his own advisory business and a Prince’s Trust Mentor.

Specialising in strategic planning, business growth strategy, performance transformation, leadership coaching and mentoring, Ian can help you and your business excel in the markets in which you operate.


Diana Crabtree

Content Design/Production and Publishing

Diana’s 30-year career has included senior management positions within global organisations, such as Aramark, Lyreco, Nestle and Hutchsison Whampoa, as well as roles in UK organisations such as Goss Interactive. Diana’s areas of specialism include business management, growth, web development & search engine optimisation (SEO).

Diana’s role is to bring to life Brands through Website Design and Development plus delivering Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), that deliver tangible results.

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Rob McBride

Digital Audit, Website Design, Branding & Packaging

Rob Specialises in design and branding through to print, distribution and all aspects of digital media; his role truly captures the essence of your marketing aspirations and delivers them in a consistent and professional manner.

Rob’s aim is to target, surprise, motivate and inspire clients and more importantly their clients. With any one or a combination of their services, his guarantee is that every campaign undertaken, will be delivered with expertise and a friendly approachable manner.

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